Trust & Transparency

The TBILL Vault was built on a singular value proposition: to give full transparency to Investors. That is why OpenEden has undertaken the responsibility to ensure that each minted TBILL token is backed 1:1 by a pool of U.S. T-Bills and USD – at all times. And in line with OpenEden’s ethos of “don’t trust, verify”, we give Investors the tools to keep us honest.

On-chain, TBILL Vault smart contracts are publicly viewable and verifiable on Etherscan. Off-chain, the TBILL Vault’s U.S. T-Bills are held in custody by regulated custodians. Any remaining USD fiat currency reserves will be held in regulated custodians or be in transit between the on-ramp and off-ramp service providers, the prime broker, and the custodian account.

Audit & Attestations

A third-party fund administrator will provide a daily and monthly NAV report on the net assets held by the Fund.

Ernst & Young has also completed an independent audit on the TBILL Vault’s critical processes and controls in relation to the Fund’s KYC procedures, valuation methodologies and the Fund’s asset transfer and custody procedures and controls. OpenEden is proud to have achieved a satisfactory audit report with no critical or high risk findings.

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